October 10, 2023
Please join us for the October PTA meeting on Thursday October 12, 2023 at 6:30PM. A link to the virtual meeting will be posted on the HL website in Parent Resources, under Par...

October 9, 2023
Today the Title I teachers held a meeting to provide parents with strategies to use to use with their children to help support them at home as well as in the school setting.

October 6, 2023
What is the meaning of respect week?
Each year during the first week in October, schools and districts across the state engage in activities and learning opportunities that hig...

October 5, 2023
It's Halloween season at Hillside Public Schools! Join us on October 27th, 2023, at Hillside High School for its annual "Halloween Terror Trail" from 4 - 9 p.m.! For the first tim...

October 4, 2023
Students, staff, administrators, Hillside Police Officers, Board of Education members, and community members converged from all corners of Hillside to walk in harmony from Hurden ...

October 3, 2023
October 9, 2023 Early Dismissal 12:45pm Staff Development
No lunch will be served

October 2, 2023
In Honor on Breast Cancer Awareness month, Hurden Looker will be celebrating PINK OUT DAY on Friday, October 20th. ALL students and staff are encouraged to wear as much PINK as po...

September 29, 2023
Meeting and Muffins at the Tiger Cafe
When: October 9
Time: 9 am
Where: Hurden Looker Library
*Meet the Principal and the Title ITeachers/Coaches Meeting and Muffins a...

September 28, 2023
Is that Superintendent Glover standing next to NBA Legend Magic Johnson? Yes, it is! On Thursday, September 28th, 2023, Superintendent Glover attended a historic conference at Kea...

September 28, 2023
Read more information here for how to use Reflex Math at home

September 28, 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The students will be participating in a reading program called Hillside 2023-2024 Book Challenge. This program is designed to help increase recreational...

September 28, 2023
Join the Hillside Board of Education on Saturday, October 28th, 2023, for the Pink Tie Gala at Hillside High School from 6:00 - 10:00 pm! Great food, music, outfits, an auction, a...

September 27, 2023
Hurden Looker Elementary hosted a Ruby Bridges Assembly today! Thank you, Hillside Chapter of the NAACP, for attending and educating students about Ruby Bridges, the first African...

September 21, 2023
Friday 9/22/23. Wear your favorite fall colors! Adhere to the dress code regarding hoodies and footwear.

September 18, 2023
Each year JROTC programs must conduct what is called a Service-Learning Project. Students are able to identify essential needs in their school or community and then decide on thei...

September 18, 2023
The Hillside Public School district will offer dance instruction for a limited number of students in grades 3-8 who are interested in learning to dance. Class size is limited for ...

September 15, 2023
Mrs. Orabona's sweet 2nd graders were learning about acts of kindness this week as part of our bullying prevention lessons. We read the book "Each Kindness" and discussed how the ...

September 15, 2023
Extra, extra, READ all about it!! Mrs. Lorelli's 2nd graders are working hard as we get into the swing of things at Hurden Looker School! As we learn all about each other, our ...