On Thursday February 22, Hurden Looker student government and gifted and talented students had the opportunity to visit the Union County Courthouse. The visit included learning about many departments within the county judicial system. The first stop was to the Prosecutor's office where students met Union County Prosecutors in the juvenile unit. Next, Sheriff's officers from the K-9 Unit provided a demonstration. Students were then escorted by officers to the new Cherry Street Annex where students met with a judge and listened to a decision being read to record. Following the reading, students had a question-and-answer session with the judge and toured a holding cell. Lastly, students were able to tour the Rotunda building and learn about Hannah Caldwell and the origin of the Seal of Union County. Students and staff had a wonderful visit and learned many facts about the county judicial system. Thanks to Mrs. Tran and Mrs. Pinho who were instrumental in this collaboration with the county Ombudsman. Additional photographs can be viewed here

Visit to the Union County Courthouse
February 24, 2024