Nurses' Corner

To our Hurden Looker Parents:

HURDEN LOOKER IS A NUT FREE SCHOOL. No nuts or nut products.

Reminder to Fourth Grade Parents/Guardians:

All Students entering the fourth grade are required to have a physical.  Physical forms must be completed and stamped by the doctor.

 Please update your addresses and phone numbers if they have changed during the course of this year.     

If your child(ren) need medicine administered in school please print out the form below and have their doctor fill it out

Note to all 6th Grade Parents/Guardians:

Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines are needed  for all students within 30 days of entering sixth grade or turning 11 which ever comes first.


Mrs. Theresa Oweifie, RN

School Nurse

908-352-7664 Ext.5191

Theresa Oweifie

Additional Documents and Resources